29. How to stop procrastinating with this one simple thought

Do you find yourself caught in the cycle of procrastination, despite having big dreams and aspirations? 

Join us in this episode as we tackle the universal struggle especially for high achievers: procrastination - the stuck cycle of progress and success.

It's that sneaky habit that holds us back from reaching our fullest potential and moving closer to who we want to become. Keeping us from doing the thing we know we have to do…but instead we sometimes end up keeping busy doing a lot of spinning in our minds! 

Take a moment to pause, breathe, and tune in as we unwind the secret to stopping procrastination dead in its tracks with just one simple thought. Discover how this shift in mindset can move you closer to what you want, allowing you to reclaim control over your time and energy.

Join us on this journey toward a more focused, efficient, and empowered you.

Don't let procrastination hold you back any longer - it's time to step into your fullest potential.

Ready to make that change? Take a deep breath, listen on in.

Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.nemishapatelowen.com/podcasts/live-your-true-self


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